воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

Krasnodar workshop CodeGear

Of course, not often we come to Krasnodar, although the city is very interesting.
I must say, I liked the Krasnodar - basically we were in the areas where the prevailing low-rise building, looking like a little village, if not neat brick and cork domischi of cars:) Roosters sing, Lexus stand - almost idyllic, available in our area only to residents .

The single word about our Prime Hotel - a new, perfectly clean, absolutely European class, I think, honest claimed 4 stars. Accommodations computer terminals with fast Broadband Ineta for (it seems even the Net free of charge). However, the food at the restaurant is very mediocre, but with power in the south there are no problems:).

However, in 35 degree heat and an abundance of powerful air conditioners make the case - now sitting at home sick, and throat: the voice of villages, but can not print.

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